terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008

Yes, we can... get money!

Segue exemplo do modelo de arrecadação de fundos para campanha do Democrata Obama.


Dear Friend,

Make a matching donation In the last 24 hours we saw renewed attacks from Senator McCain and Senator Clinton.

The same John McCain who voted to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest few said I was "out of touch" when I spoke about the frustrations that working people in this country are feeling.

Maybe that's to be expected from John McCain. But I was disappointed to hear the exact same talking points from my Democratic colleague, Hillary Clinton. When a candidate who believes lobbyists represent "real people" says that I'm out of touch, that's when you know politics is being played.

But in the last 24 hours we've also heard from people like you.

We asked some of the 1.3 million people who have already donated to this movement for change to share their story and promise to match your first donation to the campaign.

Here are some of the people waiting to match your donation:

Rick from Florida matched a donation of $25, writing:

I am a typical American just like you. I've served in the military, I work hard for a living and I want what's best for my country, not just me. I've seen what's happened over the last years and I am deeply saddened, worried and, yes, even bitter. But I see something in Barack Obama I have never seen in a presidential candidate in my own 45 years and the hope and inspiration I feel right now brings tears even as I write this to you. We don't get many chances like this. I don't have much to give but I give what I can because it's important and I ask that you please consider joining me with a few dollars that, added to the small contributions from millions of people like you and I, can be what it takes to really change things. Thanks in advance!

Eve from Oregon matched a donation of $50, writing:

I'm thrilled that Barack recognizes how frustrated so many of us are by the politics of fear and cynicism we've seen these past seven years! But what really sets him apart is that he's not afraid to speak the truth and say what's not supposed to be spoken - that yes, we can love our country but also be frustrated with it's direction and leadership.

Thank you for making a donation to this amazing...campaign! Yes, we can!

See for yourself what kind of movement this is. Make a matching donation now:


When we started this campaign, we said we were going to do something different.

We said we weren't going to take money from Washington lobbyists and PACs. And the cynics said we would never be able to compete against the status quo.

But what the cynics didn't anticipate was you.

They didn't understand that people like Rick, Eve, and you were tired of a politics that was about tearing each other down instead of lifting this country up.

And they didn't understand that you were going to finance this campaign with contributions of $5, $25 and $50 at a time.

There's nothing elitist about the largest grassroots campaign in the history of our country -- and you can prove that right now.

Make a matching donation of $25:


Thank you for all that you're doing to change our country.



5 comentários:

xacal disse...

Can you believe that...?
They send me messages everyday, since i took a picture and signed an information issue...

Even at the 40th´s year from MLK homicide...

Anônimo disse...

O xacal além de ter ajudado a eleger um presidente, lê e escreve bem a lingua do Tio Sam! Está perdido aqui nesta planície........

xacal disse...

the more i pray, more than stay...

VP disse...


Tem uns compotamentos aqui que eu não consigo entender... Aliás, tem vários! Mas sobre as campanhas, não vejo nada nas ruas. Não sei se isso não existe mais ou se somente acontecem durante a campanha final. É muito estranho, parece que não está acontecendo nada. Não se fala nada, não se comenta nada.
Na internet o pau quebra. Nas ruas, nothing!


Vitor Peixoto

xacal disse...

ação diversionista, meu caro, como odesembarque na Normandia...o alvo era a praia de Omaha, mas as atenções, e divisões alemães estavam em Calais...